Sunday, 21 April 2013

LUSH Green FUN Review

I am, as you will probably realise due to the lack of posts, new to the blogging community! I am going to base my blog mainly on reviews on beauty style things, I am a person and yeah... I hope you enjoy reading my posts, which I hope to add one or two a week as I have study work to do unfortunately :( My first blog will be on LUSH's Green FUN. Thanks!
LUSH - Green FUN
I recently placed an order with LUSH and, as a sample, I received their Green FUN. Their description on the product is:
'A citrus burst of tangy lime and lemon essential oils will wake you up, keep you feeling fresh and help you play for hours.'
As you can probably tell from the description given by LUSH, it has a citrusy smell to it, but it is not too overpowering or sharp. Although it has a strong lime smell, the undertone to it is quite sweet and not sour at all. It is simply a very nice, fresh smell which, unlike some of LUSH's products, I don't believe it could become sickly.
The colour is a bright green - and I mean bright! To some people, this feature may put some shoppers off, but LUSH tries to replace synthetic ingredients with natural ones wherever possible, therefore 5/6 of the ingredients in Green FUN are natural.
LUSH claim that you can use it as modelling clay, shower gel, shampoo and bubble bar. I tried each of these methods with the product and I think it works best as modelling clay and a bubble bar. I just didn't think it lathered well enough to be used as a shower gel or shampoo.
Although, the bubbles it produced was really good for the size of the piece used (around 1/4 to 1/5 of a whole bar). It produced a thin layer of bubbles over the whole of the bath water with more and more bubbles the nearer to the tap adding up to about 5" at it's deepest point. It also turned the water a lime green, much like the product before it is wet, but not quite as strong. Another thing is that although the smell is lovely in the bath, unfortunately it does not stay on the skin.
LUSH's Green FUN retails at £5

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